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Deloitte's Insights on the Top Emerging Technologies 2023 ~ The-Hub-Spot

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Deloitte's Insights on the Top Emerging Technologies 2023

Deloitte is one of the leading professional advisory service organization in the world. let's see insights on Deloitte's emerging tech as at the year 2023.

Deloitte's Insights on the Top Emerging Technologies of 2023

As a global leader in advisory and professional services, Deloitte has deep expertise in identifying technological trends that will impact businesses. Their regular research reports provide valuable perspectives on emerging technologies poised to grow in prominence over the coming years.

 Here are some highlights from Deloitte's analysis and predictions as at 2023.


Deloitte considers the metaverse one of the key trends to watch in 2023 according to their Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT) 2023 predictions report. They expect consumer metaverse platforms centered around gaming, socializing and immersive shopping to see widespread adoption next year.

Deloitte analysts foresee more mainstream retailers entering this space by launching virtual stores and showrooms within gaming worlds and virtual platforms. This will allow them to test new business models and stay ahead of evolving customer expectations of digital shopping experiences on the enterprise side, Deloitte predicts adoption of metaverse concepts within fields like employee training, remote collaboration and digital marketing.

AI Innovation

In Deloitte's Global AI Survey 2022 report, AI applications centered around computer vision and natural language processing were cited as having the most growth potential in the near future areas like predictive maintenance using image and video analysis, virtual assistants, and personalized customer service through conversational AI are trending upwards per their analysis.

An interesting emerging application highlighted was using computer vision combined with AI to monitor worker safety and optimize productivity in factories and building sites. Another was AI-powered analysis of medical scans and tests to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes. All these examples show AI moving from pilot projects to meaningful deployments improving key business metrics.

Democratization of AI

The report notes that AI is becoming more accessible thanks to the democratization of cloud-based tools, pre-trained models and no-code/low-code platforms that ease the AI adoption curve for SMEs and non-tech companies. Major cloud providers now offer a range of AI services covering most common use cases that can be implemented with little technical expertise.

Deloitte analysts expect this trend to accelerate in 2023. AI skills will still be essential for building complex customized solutions. But for standardized business problems, even organizations with limited budgets and tech teams can quickly integrate AI capabilities like computer vision powered inventory tracking into their workflows. This has implications for digital transformation across verticals.

Quantum Computing

In their 2023 predictions, Deloitte lists quantum computing alongside artificial intelligence as a potentially transformative technology of the coming decade they believe it will start delivering practical applications within the next few years focused on optimization problems.

Some areas Deloitte forecasts progress in include drug discovery, scheduling complex supply chains, modeling financial outcomes, and resource/route planning for logistics/transportation companies. Quantum approaches could solve these challenges much faster than classical computers through abilities like massively parallel processing using quantum bits. While still very early-stage, Deloitte remains optimistic about the technology’s long-term impact.


Beyond cryptocurrency, Deloitte's research identifies new decentralized business models emerging around blockchain usage for supply chain management, digital identity, and crowdfunding. Their 2023 TMT outlook highlights companies experimenting with blockchain to address pain points like provenance tracking, counterfeit detection and cross-border payments friction across industries. Suppliers, carriers and manufacturers are starting to adopt distributed ledger platforms to integrate systems, digitally track goods and authenticate materials remotely. Combined with IoT sensors, this could enable fully auditable ‘food to fork’, ‘mine to consumer product’ and ‘farm to table’ transparency. Deloitte also predicts growth of blockchain-based marketplaces connecting individuals, SMBs and enterprises as a post-Covid economic recovery driver.

Web 3.0

Deloitte considers Web 3.0 technologies like blockchain and decentralization as laying the groundwork for more open, equitable and participatory digital economies and societies compared to today’s internet model. In their 2022 Emerging Technology Trends Report, Deloitte experts note Web 3.0 presenting opportunities to rethink aspects like digital ownership, creator/user incentives, data management and infrastructure governance to foster greater trust and shared value online.

While still early days, technologies like NFTs, decentralized autonomous organizations and open protocol stacks point to the potential of decentralized consensus and applications that cut across legacy platforms and jurisdictions. Deloitte predicts certain sectors will experiment more boldly with Web 3.0 concepts in 2023 to incubate next-gen business architectures less reliant on current gatekeepers.

Sustainability Tech

Fighting climate change through technology is top of mind for Deloitte as per their Sustainability and Climate Change outlooks areas they believe will continue gaining traction include renewable and green energy, carbon management tools, eco-friendly transportation, precision agriculture through IoT/sensors and smart grids for optimizing energy usage.

Deloitte analysts foresee more corporations proactively integrating best-in-class sustainability platforms to not just minimize emissions but also utilize renewable energy credits and carbon offsets as part of their business growth. Cities will similarly drive innovation through 'smart city' planning focused on walkability, public transit and energy efficiency. Sustainability arguably presents a broad opportunity landscape for entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 alike according to Deloitte's analysis.


In conclusion, Deloitte's insightful reports provide a thought leadership perspective on emerging technological forces able to shape whole economies and ways of life in the decade ahead. Their expertise highlights a combination of connectivity, IT, artificial intelligence, decentralized networks and environmental innovations as bearing huge potential for sectors to reimagine operations, deliver new value and tackle sustainability with optimism over the coming years. Organizations would do well to stay abreast of evolving trends through such future-gazing advisory reports to proactively capitalize on opportunities emerging technologies unlock.


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